Improved Exploration for Data-Driven, Safety-Embedded Differential Dynamic Programming Using Tolerant Barrier States and Pontryagin Differentiable Programming
Robust Learning Frameworks and Algorithms for Scalable Data Systems
Towards Concretely-Efficient Secure Computation: Fast Conditional Branching, Oblivious RAM, and Special-Purpose Protocols
The STEM Equity Symposium is a collaboration between Georgia Tech's Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), the College of Engineering, and the OUE Equity Collective. Our goal is to provide programming that will foster a campus culture and climate that is welcoming for all students, faculty, and staff -- especially in STEM disciplines.
Our goal is to provide programming that will foster a campus culture and climate that is welcoming for all students, faculty, and staff -- especially in the STEM disciplines.
Come see the Georgia Tech Career Center on Tech Green to celebrate your new job!
A Holistic Approach for Detecting and Mitigating Bugs in Cyber-Physical Systems
Modeling The Variability of Automatically Generated Items: The Impact of Incidental Effect on Ability Estimation
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editing tool commonly used by graphic designers.
Check out this workshop if you want to ensure your team achieves cohesiveness and productivity to accomplish the goals you set out to achieve.