Methodological Improvements for the Integration of In-Space Trajectory Optimization into Conceptual Space Mission Design
Learning Motion Policies for Dexterous Manipulation with Geometric Fabrics
Multifunctional US/PA Nanosensors for Engineering Next-generation Stem Cells
Engineering a Synthetic Hydrogel for Muscle Stem Cell Delivery to Dystrophic Diaphragm
Rhythms to the rescue: the effects of non-invasive gamma stimulation on neural mechanisms of memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Proposal for Characterization of Nascent Soot Particle Size Distribution from a Realistic Gas Turbine Combustor by use of Half-Mini DMA
Deadline for students seeking M.S. is 12:00 pm EST.
Synthesis and Functionalization of Bullvalene-Derived Materials
Krone EBB - Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Seminar Room
Measurement and Prevention of Occlusive Arterial Thrombosis